Top 4 Books to Read on Business Start-ups

books on startups

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Books to read on start-ups are a great way to gain knowledge. For a long long time, before the advent of the internet, it remained the only source of information. Today as well books have not lost their relevance no matter how many online resources you access. 

If you are an entrepreneur or someone who is thinking of starting a business, here are some book recommendations that you can make the best use of.

In a nutshell:

What are the best books on starting a business? Here are the top 4 books on startups you may like to know about:

  1. Trajectory: Startup (Ideation to Product/Market Fit)
  2. The Minimalist Entrepreneur: How Great Founders Do More 
  3. The $100 Startup: Reinvent the Way You Make a Living, Do What You Love, and Create a New Future
  4. The Manual for Indian Start-ups 

Trajectory: Startup (Ideation to Product/Market Fit)

Need clarity in ideation, launch, and revenue? Read Trajectory: Startup (Ideation to Product/Market Fit). Starting out or already in the game for a while, you may never regret picking this one up. 

The Minimalist Entrepreneur: How Great Founders Do More 

Next for books to read on start-ups is The Minimalist Entrepreneur. The name itself is suggestive enough. This book is for those who believe in a simple solution to major problems. 

Sahil Lavingia is the founder of Gumroad, a platform to buy and sell digital products. 

The $100 Startup: Reinvent the Way You Make a Living, Do What You Love, and Create a New Future

The book “The $100 Startup” by Chris Guillebeau earned a name for itself because it presents case studies of businesses that were started with a just $100. A widely picked book on lean startup, this is simple to read and easy to comprehend.

The title of the book is commendable. In a simple phrase, it appeals strongly to many entrepreneurial minds who are not starting because of a lack of money capital. 

The Manual for Indian Start-ups 

A concise guide to starting up in India, this book is a compilation of start-up ideas from people like Srikant Iyer (Founder- Homelane), Aishwarya Singh   (Founder- JustRide), and many more. One of the notable books on startup funding, marketing, and people management, this easy read is worth the pick! Instead of delving deep into a single entrepreneurial insight, this book serves a bit of everything, in a nutshell.

Reading these 4 books on startups will prepare you well for the kick-off. Of course, a lot more could have gone into the list but we wanted to keep the list uncuttered and succinct. Hope it was helpful. Stay tuned for a lot more original blogs on start-up businesses, entrepreneurial mindset, and everything in between.

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