Top Entrepreneurs In The Global Health Industry

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Healthcare is an important sector. For ages it has remained aloof to the general public, being in the hands of gatekeepers. Thanks to healthcare entrepreneurs around the world, the gap is being bridged as we now have better access to healthcare and wellbeing-related information, products, and services. 

Sudeep Sahni

Sudeep Sahni is an entrepreneur of Indian origin who has worked on several projects spanning Asia, making all his start-ups a success story. He finally, in 2021, started Valeo Wellbeing– an online platform where patients and wellbeing seekers may have direct access to products and services. 

From at-home blood tests to in-house supplements, Valeo Wellbeing provides everything. Amidst, the pandemic the company went to benefit many people, making it a successful start-up.  

Valeo is currently functioning in GCC, KSA, and UAE. 

Meghan Gaffney

Closely observing the tiresome data entry process in American hospitals, Meghan came up with the idea of Veda Data Solutions a company that uses AI and machine learning to automate the data entry process in hospitals so that caregivers concentrate more on the part that matters for real- caregiving!

David Franklin 

David Franklin set out to create an impact in the healthcare industry by building KnowRX Health, a platform dedicated to elevating medical literacy among patients so that they make informed decisions. 

Aarti Gill

This power-packed lady from India is the co-founder and CEO of  OZiva-  a brand that specialises in plant-based nutritional products. In a country like India where a good percentage of people have a vegetarian diet, the idea of OZiva kicked in and now the company is experiencing exponential growth. 

Tushar Vashisht 

He is a co-founder of HealthifyMe– a mobile application that offers weight management solutions to consumers in India. The company offers all-around support like customized diets, exercises, personal trainers, health consultations, and more. His team and Tushar are people to get inspired by in the entrepreneurial ecosystem. 

So, these were some healthcare and wellness entrepreneurs whose journey and story you may tap into for inspiration. 

Keep reading our blogs for more information on launching a business, entrepreneurial mindset, and everything else related to start-ups.

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